Saturday 26 March 2011


Hi people of planet Earth! And people/lifeforms from other plants who might have found this... or people from a parrell world which is exactly the same as Earth only not called Earth... umm... I've confused myself LOL :P I'm just going to call you Readers :P


I'm new to this so please don't kill me JUST YET. I decided to blog because I'm bored at the moment and need somewhere to vent to when I'm stressed. So if you don't want to listen to my problems then I'm sorry, I will try and put nice stuff up here as well :)

Hmmm... I think I'm meant to say stuff... OK so I'm Angel, I'm an age and I go to a school in a country (I dont know how much personal infomation I'm allowed to put on here) However my boyfriend Susaga and my friend Turnip are on here and call each other by codenames so that's what I'm going to do. GO READ THEIR BLOGS!!!

Anyway I'm off, sorry this is so short but I have no idea what I'm doing at the moment. So BYE! XD

P.S If you do go read Susaga's blog, please don't judge me; I'm the girl mentioned in his latest blog.